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Salaries of Doctors and Engineers?

Do doctors make more than software engineers and technology related fields? I would like to know about USA and Austrailia

Asked by Serena Bilal | 30th of November 2020


career counsellor salary

1 Answers

Anupma Mehrotra | M.A., B.Ed., Post Grad. D...

11th of May 2021 | 2 Likes


First of all we take the salary of Engineers. in the Govt deptartment salary is in the range of Rs 15,947 to Rs 1,84, 920.

The salary of Doctors , in Govt departments is in the range of  Rs 1,46,383 to Rs 2,77,917.

While in private sector, salary varies {for both engineers @ doctors} depending upon the paying capacity.
